Advocacy Strategies

For teachers

For school leaders

For parents

Education websites throughout Australia

For teachers

This section of the website of the Modern Languages Teachers’ Association of Victoria Inc. (MLTAV) is intended primarily for use by teachers in promoting Languages Other Than English programs, especially in the context of presenting persuasive arguments for the teaching and learning of languages to school curriculum committees, principals and parents. The following resources are available:

  1. Articles, brochures and a PowerPoint presentation from authoritative organisations and individuals, supporting the teaching and learning of LOTE

  2. A PowerPoint presentation compiled by the MLTAV, incorporating core arguments from the above

  3. Information about MLTAV Advocacy campaigns

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For school leaders

The Australian Principals Associations Professional Development Council Inc. (APAPDC) was contracted by the then Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) under the School Languages Programme to undertake an information and dissemination strategy for school principals and leaders in all education sectors. As a result, school principals and leaders will be informed and encouraged to play a constructive leadership role in facilitating quality improvement in Languages education.

The project aims to promote greater awareness and deeper understanding among principals and school leaders of:

  1. The nature of languages education and the significant role it can play in preparing students for life and work in the 21st Century, particularly in developing intercultural skills in students, and how this links to other priorities at State, Territory and national levels;

  2. The factors contributing to effective and sustainable languages programmes, and their crucial role in the implementation of such programmes; and

  3. Action at the national level to support languages education such as other national projects funded under Australian Government School Languages Programmes and Quality Teacher programmes and research into the attitudes of parents and school communities.

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For parents

The Australian Council of State School Organisations (ACSSO) and Australian Parents Council (APC) have established a website intended to provide a useful national information resource on all aspects of languages education.

Education websites throughout Australia

Australian Capital Territory

AISACT: Association of Independent Schools of the ACT

BSSS: ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies

Department of Education and Training ACT

University of Canberra

New South Wales

AIS NSW: Association of Independent Schools of NSW

Board of Studies NSW

Catholic Education Commission NSW

Department of Education and Training NSW

The University of New South Wales

UTS: University of Technology, Sydney

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Northern Territory

AISNT: Association of Independent Schools of the NT

Department of Employment, Education and Training NT


Department of Education, Training and the Arts QLD

ISQ: Independent Schools Queensland

JCU: James Cook University

QSA: Queensland Studies Authority

QUT: Queensland University of Technology

UQ: The University of Queensland

South Australia

AISSA: Association of Independent Schools of SA

Catholic Education Office SA

SA Department of Education and Children’s Services (DECS)

SSABSA: Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia

The University of Adelaide

University of South Australia

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AIST: Association of Independent Schools of Tasmania

Department of Education TAS

TQA: Tasmanian Qualifications Authority

UTAS: University of Tasmania


AISV: Association of Independent Schools of Victoria

Catholic Education Office, Melbourne

Deakin University

DEECD: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

La Trobe University

Monash University

University of Ballarat

University of Melbourne

VCAA: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Victoria University

Western Australia

AISWA: Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia

Catholic Education Office of WA

Curriculum Council of WA

Department of Education and Training WA

Edith Cowan University

Murdoch University

The University of Western Australia

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National Organizations

ACACA: Australasian Curriculum Assessment Certification Authorities

ACDE: Australian Council of Deans of Education

ACSSO: The Australian Council of State School Organisations

ACU: Australian Catholic University

AFESA: Community Languages Australia

AFMLTA: Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Association

ALAA: Applied Linguistics Association of Australia

APAPDC: Australian Principals Associations Professional Development Council

APC: Australian Parents Council

APPA: Australian Primary Principals Association

ASPA: Australian Secondary Principals Association

DASSH: The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities

DEEWR: Australian Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: Languages Education

Go8 Website – Group of Eight Australian Universities

ISCA: Independent Schools Council of Australia

NCEC: National Catholic Education Commission